Everyone is white. Most worryingly, this is true of everyone in Dan's own fantasy idealised England too.

I hope that this turns out to be a plot point, and not just casual sloppiness on the part of Ennis, Erskine and colourist Parasuraman A. It would certainly be an odd assumption given Virgin Comics' Indian base.
Dan Dare issue 1 "Under an English Heaven", script by Garth Ennis, Art by Gary Erskine, colour by Parasuraman A, letters by Rakesh B Mahadik, editor Charlie Beckerman, Dan Dare created by Frank Hampson
If it is a deliberate plot point, it might seem a little derivative given the punchline of Warren Ellis' Dare-inspired 'Ministry of Space'.
On the other hand, there are still plenty of villages and towns where you're unlikely to see a non-white face. Not so many hi-tech engineering ventures, though.
I'd like to hope its an "accident", rather than a repetition of the terrible and frankly insulting ending of Ministry of Space (which doesnt even make any sense anyway considering an Indian can be seen "on the board" on the previous page)
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