Saturday 6 October 2007

There’s No-one Quite Like Grandma

I posted a while back about the statues of Desperate Dan, Minnie the Minx and Andy Capp, and the proposed statue of Wallace and Gromit. The comments section turned up two more examples of comics character statues: Andy Gump in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, and Lobey Dosser in Glasgow. Jeremy Briggs also posted about the Lobey Dosser statue at Bear Alley.

Here’s another one I missed: a statue in Ipswich of Carl Giles’ Grandma character, from his long-running series of large single panel cartoons in the Daily Express (overseas readers may recognise her as Red Sophia’s mother from Cerebus, the character being another of Dave Sim’s appropriations).

This one was mentioned by Brendan McGuire on the Comics UK Forum, and I found that photo via Google on Ian Knight’s web-site A Celebration of Giles. Ian has more photos and a lot more information about the statue and its setting (outside a pub called The Giles Tavern). Lots of Giles cartoons, too - go treat yourself.

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