Saturday 2 June 2007

Another Pop Culture Anniversary Celebrated With Marginally-Related Comics Images

It’s quite unsettling to consider that Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band is only 10 years older than Star Wars. Those 10 years seem to cover so much more time than the next 30. Memory has a parallax effect all of its own.

It’s not the best Beatles album, but it was the most pregnant with possibilities, marking that moment when vivid primary colours burst out of the constraining Mondrian grid of mod, but before they all mixed and faded and turned into the dung-brown of the 1970s.

Of course that metaphor is excessively visual. This is a blog about comics, so what else can you expect?

Pictures and panels

The Beatles: Yellow Submarine Playing Cards, Carta Mundi, 2004

Batman issue 222, cover by Neal Adams, DC Comics, June 1970, scan pinched from Mile High Comics

“The Pepperguard” by Alex Ross, from Kingdom Come: Revelations, DC Comics/Graphitti Designs, 1997

Wisdom issue 6 “The Rudiments of Wisdom”, part 6 “Look Out, Here Comes Tomorrow” by Paul Cornell (writer), Manuel Garcia (penciller), Mark Farmer (inker), Guru-eFX (colours), Joseph Caramanga (letterer) and Nick Lowe (editor) Marvel Comics/Max, July 2007

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